Asa organizational sales

Customization according to organizational needs

Ordering according to the needs of institutional customers for burglar alarms is a vital process that is carried out in order to ensure the security and protection of the organization’s assets. In this process, the organization’s security and environmental needs are first examined to ensure that the right alarm is selected for their premises.

Then, according to the size and type of the building, the type of alarm, the number of sensors, its different capabilities and also how to communicate with other security systems are examined.

If the corporate customer needs an alarm with features such as high sensitivity, the ability to notify online or through management systems, the ability to control remotely and the ability to connect to other security systems, it will be suitable for the organization.

After checking the needs of the organization, a suitable offer is entered and after the approval of the organization, the burglar alarm is ordered according to its needs.

Finally, after the installation and commissioning of the alarm, necessary training is given to the employees and officials of the organization so that they can use the device in the best way and provide proper protection for the organization’s assets.